Azanians were essentially a rather advanced culture in antiquity (going back to the 1st Century CE or earlier) which traded with outside groups like Greeks, Romans & South Arabians and are thought to have been found
perhaps as far south as
the Rufiji river in Tanzania.
[2] It says something that upon examining sites associated with these "Azanians" in Northern Kenya; Daniel Stiles figured they looked more like an
East Cushitic culture than a South Cushitic one.
E-V32 is very common in East Cushites like Somalis & Oromos
[3] and even "
North Cushites" like
Bejas [5] while E-V22 via this new paper (Trombetta et al. 2015) seems to possibly extremely common among
Sahos who are Lowland East Cushitic speakers like Somalis & Oromos.
However E-V32 and E-V22 while common in various
Nilo-Saharan speakers although those speakers of Nilo-Saharan are mostly from Western Sudan
[8] as a friend notes below:
"Turkana are Northwest Kenyans and Maasai migrated from there recently, so it seems plausible that they have some East Cushitic admixture, which could explain the V32. Or it could be from their Nilo-Saharan ancestry, although V32 is mostly found in Western Sudan."
So these lineages could seriously be owed to East Cushitic input or perhaps not and I'm just speculating too much here. But it is a fact that there has been intermingling between Nilo-Saharans and East Cushites; a fact Rendilles are a living testament to with the substantial Nilotic influences in their culture that nearly everyone that's every studied them in one way or the other has noted.
I wouldn't at all put it beyond these Turkanas and certain Maasais to honestly have some East Cushitic admixture.
One thing I and some others have noticed that could be an autosomal distinction between South and East Cushites could be what turns up at the higher Ks of various
ADMIXTURE analyses whether its in studies or those made by independent more genome bloggers running ancestry projects.
ADMIXTURE analysis from Hodgson et al. 2014 [7] |
And that's that like at K=5 (look at the numbers to the left on the ADMIXTURE analysis from Hodgson et al.) where Somalis and other Horn populations like Oromos and Habeshas alongside Wolaytas show more "Northern West Asian" like influences by showing
"European" at this K alongside "Arabian".
And in various ADMIXTURE runs like
Eurogenes K13 and
Dodecad Globe13 where Somalis will consistently show "Mediterranean" to sometimes also "
Caucasian" like influences while Maasais and some other seemingly mostly South Cushitic admixed will be utterly bereft of such influences in the same analyses (granted, the Maasai show some "East Med" in K13 but no "West Med").
Myself and others think this
may be indicative of West Eurasian ancestry carrying gene flow into populations like
Agaws & Somalis that perhaps never managed to hit South Cushites.
But the thing is while I haven't managed to confirm this as most of these runs tend to add all of Pagani et al.'s Oromos together for these kinds of analyses which skews things
given their heterogeneity; I've been told by some reliable individuals that
Borana Oromos may also lack such "Mediterranean" to "Caucasian"
like influences.
You can also easily see that
Ari Culivators who are Horn residing
Omotic speakers with non-negligible Cushitic admixture like the Maasai don't show such influences and while I can't of course confirm this; I think it's more plausible that the admixture in them might be East Cushitic rather than Southern but we'll need more data and perhaps ancient genomes to really be sure.
So the point is; this may not entirely be indicative of a true "East-South genetic divide" among Cushitic speakers but it's the closest thing we've got on an autosomal level that at least I and those I tend to discuss East African population genetics with have noticed. It could turn out to not be much or anything...
But this could still prove relevant in that if a Southeast African population via various ADMIXTURE analyses demonstrates more "Mediterranean" to "Caucasian" like influences this
could be indicative of more recent gene flow from East Cushites like how
Datogs/Datoogas show tiny hints of the pink "Early European Farmer" component (
essentially an equivalent "Mediterranean" in this run) at K=20 in Lazaridis et al. 2013's ADMIXTURE analysis
But this is merely educated speculation on my part. We clearly need more study into this but nevertheless; the point behind this entire post is quite simple--- not everything Cushitic in Southeast Africa or South of the Horn of Africa, Sudan and South Sudan or Northern Kenya should be assumed to be entirely South Cushitic. There are noticeable influences from East Cushites via archaeology, linguistics and at the very least; genetic hints.