Saturday, February 1, 2025

Comments can be made freely from now on

This is an unusual post, but I feel I owe some of you an apology. Years ago, I enabled comment moderation due to excessive spam (ads, sex-bots etc.) and low-brow comments like one insisting, "These results are wrong! Sudanese people can’t have more Eurasian ancestry than Habeshas," without any explanation...

As a result, I didn't notice some comments under my latest post from January until today and have dozens of older ones backed up. Since Blogger doesn’t send notifications, I simply missed them. It bothers me that thoughtful, inquisitive, and respectful comments—or ones where I might disagree with the author's respectfully shared opinion—got lost in this process.

So, moving forward, comments will no longer be moderated before appearing. I'll just check in every few weeks or months to remove obvious spam, offensive content (e.g., threats, racial slurs, excessive insults), or anything too low-brow—though I might leave some for entertainment value.

Apologies to anyone whose comments I missed, both recently and in the past.


  1. Bro you should start posting on the genarchivist forum whatever you have the time the african section there is pretty dead and needs bright minds such as yours. It’s just like anthrogenica

    1. Will have a look some time. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Hi Awale welcome back from a long time follower. It's been a looooong time.
    Recently my brother did 23andme and surprisingly our haplogroup turned out to be E-m293. Can you give any context to this haplogroup among Somalis?
    I'm a degodia btw from the Somali region of Ethiopia.
